Portraits by D Charles Mason



Private page for members of Volya Choir

Hello!  Below I have the studio dates for end of September and October.

If any of these are suitable for you could you please let me know via WhatsApp (0739 684 3677)

or by email at David@dcharlesmason.co.uk

For each Saturday slot I can manage two portraits.

For each Monday slot I can manage one portrait.

The studio will be available from 2pm on Saturdays and 2.30pm on Mondays. Each portrait will be about 30 to 40 minutes.

If you need a lift to or from the studio, please let me know and we will try and arrange.

Saturday 28th September Booked. No places available Updated: 26 September
Monday 30th September Booked. No places available Updated: 26 September
Saturday 5th October  Two places available Updated: 14 September
Saturday  12th October Two places available Updated: 14 September
Monday 14th October One place available Updated: 29 September
Saturday 19th October Two places available Updated: 14 September
Monday 21st October One place available Updated: 29 September
Saturday 26th October Two places available Updated: 14 September
Monday 28th October One place available Updated: 29 September



Доброго дня, Ірина, що стосується питань - мої пропозиції нижче. (Якщо хтось із дівчат вважає за краще не говорити про питання 2 - це нормально. Якщо ми зрештою поговоримо про щось інше - це теж добре. Дівчата можуть спрямувати розмову в будь-яке русло, якщо захочуть - ми всі індивідуальні).