Portraits by D Charles Mason

Voices of Volya- the book

Voices of Volya - the book. 


Voices of Volya

A portrait of a Ukrainian choir  £14.00  

Now available online from the Great British Bookshop.

 Buy Voices of Volya

In June 2024 I was approached by the Ukrainian Volya Voices choir of Bexhill-on-Sea to work with them to capture their stories in words and portraits,  and compile them into a book. 

The Ukrainian word 'Volya' translates into English as 'liberty' or 'will', but there is more to it than that.  It is an inherent philosophy, a driving force, a spirit for self determination and choice.

The choir is made up of ladies who have been displaced as a result of the Russian invasion and war.  They left their homes, family, friends, everything they knew.  Some found sanctuary in the coastal town of Bexhill-on-Sea and surrounding areas.

Joined by common cause to support the defenders of their homeland, they sing as the Volya Voices choir, raising funds to send First aid medical supplies to support those on the frontline.

Through a combination of photographic portraits and personal accounts – these are the stories of those inspirational women.

All profits from the sale of this book will support the Volya Voices choir 

'Voices of Volya. A portrait of a Ukrainian choir by D Charles Mason.  78 pages, hardback, casewrapped, 216mm by 216mm

What people are saying about the book


"I wasn't expecting to be stunned, but I was. The photos are beautiful, the stories from Bexhill's Ukrainians are extraordinary, and we can't help but wonder, what would we do, if it happened to us."



Anything else you can tell us?

Updated February 25

Rather than keep updating the page above - I'll add to the list below in the format of an FAQ.  They'll be some questions that have been asked, and some which I think some people may want to ask, but are too polite. 

If  you have a query or question that I've missed please feel free to email me at FacesBexhill@wenchangbooks.co.uk and I'll  either get back to you directly, or update the list.



Will it be in the shops?

No.  This book is a not for profit proposition so overheads are being kept to a minimum. 

The profits from the sale of the book go to the Volya Voices choir to buy First aid supplies for those fighting on the frontline, such as tourniquets and compression bandages.  Medical attention in the first hour of being injured is critical and these supplies can make the difference between a fatality or staying alive long enough to be taken to a field hospital.

Retail distribution will need a discount on the cover price, which won't leave much for the Volya Voices choir.

Will it be available on Amazon?


Besides - Amazon don't need the money - the choir do.

You can however buy it direct from the Great British Bookshop.  

How long does it take for delivery from the Great British Bookshop?

Having done a test order, using Royal Mail second class, I would allow up to two weeks from the date of order.

Yes I know that Amazon could deliver the next day (if they were selling it) but the books are not kept in stock, they are printed as ordered.

How much of the profits go to the Volya Voices choir?

It's difficult to put an exact number on this as the nett profit depends on the current cost of production.  The following is based on the current pricing.

The intention is an average of  £5.00 from the sale of each book will be forwarded to the Volya Voices choir.

The book is printed on demand so I don't have the economy of scale of having a stack in the loft to tide me over if paper prices were to suddenly go through the roof.  

However,If you buy the book direct from the Great British Bookshop, the  distribution cost is less, (compared to more mainstream internet vendors), which does give me some headroom.


How much of the book sales are you taking?

Nothing.  I've already set aside the budget for this project, it's fully funded.  Effectively I'm sponsoring myself using funds from my business hat to  enable the project with my 'good causes' hat.

After all  printing and distribution costs have been deducted (by third parties) the remainder will be forwarded to the Volya Voices choir.

Do you have a target for money to be raised?

The initial target is £1400 and I hope that will be achieved by physical sales at an exhibition to be held at the De La Warr Pavilion  in March 2025

100 books have been donated for this event, so all proceeds will go to the choir.

Following that, we are moving primarily online.    Using a print on demand model means that the choir do not have to fund large upfront purchases of books for onward sale.

Five hundred books sold online would be sensational - that would raise about £2,500 for the choir.

How do I know the profits are being forwarded to the Volya Voices choir

Donations for book sales will be made directly by me to the Volya Voices Choir.

I will also update the Donation Tracker page monthly.

There will be a lag between book sales and donations.  The book sales are being handled by a third party and I am subject to their schedule for the transfer of money - so if you buy a shed load of books (wishful thinking), please don't expect to see a donation the next day turn up on the donation page.  

I will receive proceeds from online sales monthly.  I will then gift all those proceeds to the choir in the same month.  I have an arrangement with the choir that at any time they can examine the order book (they are consumate business women).  I will also be engaging a third party who will be able to check the orders and cash flows on behalf of the choir

Of course - if you want to, you can contact them directly on Facebook and ask them.