Portraits by D Charles Mason

Model Agreement


Note:(Agreement used specifically for the Faces of Bexhill project - "channel your inner Hollywood")


Agreement to Use of Photographic images


For Photographer read “D Charles Mason”.  For "Sitter" read as the person(s) who sat for the portrait with the Photographer.  For "Photographs" read as the digital portraits of the Sitter.


The Faces of Bexhill project is an ongoing photographic activity to capture a cross section of Bexhill-on-Sea through portrait photography.

The agreement outlines consents and restrictions between the Photographer and the Sitter as to ownership and use of the portraits.

Payment and Use by the Sitter

  1. The Sitter and the Photographer agree that a number of retouched digital portrait files (as agreed) will be provided free of charge in exchange for the Sitter sitting for the portrait.
  2. The Sitter may use the Photograph(s) worldwide for any lawful, personal activity in any medium of their choosing, for an indefinite period, subject to the below terms.

The Sitter Agrees::

  1. The Photographs and their Copyright are owned by the Photographer.
  2. To waive any right to any future payment for the use of any of the Photographs for any purpose to which the Sitter has agreed.
  3. Subject to the Restrictions the Photographer may use the Photographs as follows:
    • For display in exhibitions, both public and private.
    • For portfolio display e.g. D Charles Mason website and associated sub-domains.
    • For publication in print media e.g. photographic books published by D Charles Mason, or articles in photographic trade press.
    • Worldwide (see Notes [1] for explanation)
    • That the Photographs may be altered or modified providing that the Photographs shall not represent the Sitter in any manner that is derogatory, (See Notes [2] for explanation)


  1. The Photographer will not use the Photographs commercially as stock or library images in any media either directly or via third parties without the express consent of the Sitter, (such consent considered to be withheld by default).
  2. The Photographs when used within the terms of this agreement by the Photographer will not contain, or be associated with any personal information beyond the Sitter's first name and general location e.g. Bexhill


  1. This acknowledges that the Internet can be accessed worldwide in the event that Photographs are added to a website.
  2. Digital files in their RAW state from the camera need to be edited in software to get the best from the image.  This can include (but not be limited to), exposure adjustment, colour adjustment, management of contrast, shadows and highlights.  Removal of extraneous or distracting items e.g stray hair.


End Agreement

August 2023